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Yesterday was night out or hangout with the guys and you had way too much to drink last night and now you're wasted and restless so you are on the search  for a quick cure? Let me share some suggestions of a few foods to eat and drink in this awkward situation. 👇👇

To start with let me tell you about this thing you guzzle and it gives you pleasure

Alcohol is essentially a poison and drinking too much is actively poisoning yourself. Your body does its best to rid the poison which can be very hard on your liver.

Drinking too much leads to unpleasant symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, thirst and dryness of mouth, tremors, dizziness, fatigue and muscle cramps. Hangover is said to be an early stage of alcohol withdrawal.

Hangover may contribute to excessive urination and dehydration and dehydration can trigger migraines in some people and nasty headaches in the rest.

The first step to not getting a hangover is not to drink too much and also choose your poison carefully!

Liquors like brandy, wine, tequila, whiskey seem to cause hangovers more frequently than do light liquors like white rum, vodka, and gin. Eat food, drink slowly, and in moderation, don’t mix your liquor(OH YE SCIENCE STUDENTS) and also remember that smoking, loud music, and flashing lights make hangovers worse.


Actually there is no cure for hangover,  only time will get rid of a hangover. However, you can help yourself feel better by drinking water and eating carefully.

Replacing all the water lost from urinating and vomiting is very important. You can take some painkillers to to ease the accompanying headache

Because you have dehydrated yourself as a result of peeing constantly, you need to replace the water in your system.

-Try some coconut water,  it prevents vomiting

-Sprite helps your body gets rid of hangovers faster and also Sprite is considered the closest thing to a hangover cure. "NOW YOU KNOW"

-If you prefer something hot, Green tea is another excellent source of antioxidants and will help with liver detoxification.

Once food sounds appealing, try some of the following and soon you will be bidding hangover bye
-Make an omelet or a scrambled egg to help – they are full of an amino acid that is helpful to the system

-Bananas are full of potassium that helps calm the shakes. Plus, you can turn them into a smoothie if chewing is too much effort. Other fruits are good as well because of the fiber, nutrients and vitamins.

-Spicy food help you sweat and make you drink more, so a spicy meal can help clean out toxins.

-And finally, a spoonful of honey can help the hangovers go away.

In conclusion, the easiest way to cure a hangover is not to get one. While it takes time for a hangover to go away, you can support your body and help regain some of the vitamins, minerals, and water that you lost.

Your liver must work very hard to get rid of all the alcohol, so do your best to support it with lots of good quality liquids like water; foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; and while you're waiting for the hangover to clear off,  try not to add to the abuse by overdosing on liver-unfriendly pain killer drugs.

Don't forget to follow me on my social media platforms Instagram "creamie_ebony" Twitter "creamie__ebony" also, do not forget to drop your thoughts on this


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