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Y'all know i don't joke when it comes to v jay jay because having a loose vagina leaves a lot of women with low self confidence and does not allow them to have the sex life they want. How sexy and confident you feel plays a huge part in your relationship, and keeping "things" tight can really help you get your sexy back in the bedroom. If you’ve been looking for ways  to tighten your vagina ,scouring the web for vagina tightening solutions, you don't have to worry much because am going to discuss natural remedies that do not require expensive treatments like vaginoplasty.

Listed below are top 4 ways on how to tighten the vagina naturally

Now lets take it back to the days when people actually make fun of this workout. It just wasn’t a proven technique yet but with more women getting in on the trend, it sure has shown the world just how effective the routine can be. From being an unknown routine to being one of the most effective ways to tighten your vagina. So, let’s know more about Kegel then👇👇👇
Workouts are the best way to naturally tone up the muscles all over your body and vaginal muscles aren’t an exception. When your vaginal area loosens, it’s the pelvic floor muscles giving up their flexibility. Kegel exercise is one of the natural, safest as well as the simplest methods for natural vagina tightening
This exercise will be able to squeeze the internal pelvic muscles. Perform this exercise for about 10 seconds and then relax about 10 seconds. If you're worried about someone knowing about it, you can do this vaginal exercise in the privacy and comfort of your house when nobody is around. Thus no one has got to know you’re doing them. Importantly, Kegels can help only if they’re done regularly for a long time i.e consistency is the key!!!

Just like a car, the human body requires the right fuel and maintenance to function appropriately and also to stay in perfect shape. A well-balanced and healthy diet regime will give your body the right vitamins and minerals for restoring any muscle looseness. The key word  here is “ORGANIC AND NATURAL.” So, your diet plan must contain  natural animal protein, 100 % natural fruits and vegetables and say no to processed food items. They’ll help you maintain your vagina firm and tight.
You don’t have to completely get rid of all the sweets and cravings that you’re used to having but it’s important to know that kind of food  gets you in trouble. Have a cheat day once in a while, even twice a week if you want to but still know that FRUITS AND VEGETABLES are the best for your body .

Aloe Vera is 100% natural herb which is so indispensable and does not need any tricky rules to apply it. Simply extract the gel from an Aloe Vera leaf and then apply it using your finger on the vagina lips. Try this 5 to 6 times a day and before having sex with your partner as it serves as a safe and natural lubricant. Additionally, the herb is also useful in naturally fighting vaginal discomfort and dryness as well as naturally prevent vaginal prolapse.

Aloe Vera is one of the better plants or herbs out there. Have you ever stopped to wonder why it is always featured in every other natural beauty product on television? It’s because of its healing properties, and moisturizing capabilities that not too many substances or even chemicals can do! This plant is a good idea to start with if you want to naturally tighten your vagina and get it back to the way it was before

 Yeah you read right! Have a damn ORGASM!!! The fun part about toning your pelvic floor muscles is when you have an orgasm that is actually your pelvic floor muscle contracting. So the more you orgasm the more you start toning up your pelvic floor muscle. As your pelvic floor muscle becomes stronger, so will your orgasms😉😉😉

In conclusion, you don’t have to undergo painful and expensive vaginal rejuvenation surgery to restore your sexual youth. Just eat right, do daily short exercises, avoid harmful and useless topical vaginal products, and take phytoestrogen drugs to naturally tighten your vagina and protect your fountain of youth!

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms Instagram "creamie_ebony" Twitter "creamie__ebony" also, do not forget to drop your thoughts on this



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